Why One in Every Three Kids Have Tooth Decay

Happy in the dental clinic

Kids certainly love sugar. But too much of it can cause tooth decay. Experts say the top dental problem among children is tooth decay. Nearly one out of 10 kids age two years old already have one or more cavities. It’s similar to kids age three years old, with 28% of them having one or more cavities.

Most parents assume that having cavities is normal for a kid. But it’s not entirely true. Tooth decay in baby teeth can have adverse effects on the permanent teeth; therefore, causing dental problems in the future.

How sugar affects a child’s developing teeth

One in every three kids between the age of five and six already have tooth decay in their baby teeth. Experts say it’s not only food that’s causing children to develop tooth decay. The truth is that carbonated drinks are the top reason children are developing dental caries at an alarming rate.

Experts say that these drinks are the top source of sugar in the world. An average teen even consumes about 20 teaspoons of sugar each day. That’s why experienced pediatric dentists in Scottsdale, AZ and other locations advise everyone to reduce sugar intake to help bring down the prevalence of developing tooth decay.

Teaching a child some good dental habits

kid boy brushing teeth

The best way to protect your child’s growing teeth is to teach him some essential dental habits. With proper guidance, he’ll quickly adapt to it and even include it to his daily routine. But while he can be an active participant in most days, he still doesn’t have enough motor skills to brush his teeth by himself. That’s why you need to be there to help him improve his brushing techniques. Doing so will help him remove the plaque and other bacteria-containing deposits trapped on his teeth.

Once you see that your child already has a baby tooth growing, you need to teach him the importance of brushing his teeth twice a day. If he’s younger than three, ensure that you only put a smear of fluoride toothpaste on his toothbrush to clean his teeth.

Also, it’s a must to let him use a child-sized toothbrush with soft bristles to protect your child’s delicate gums. Once he reaches the age of three, you can start giving him a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste. It should be enough to help prevent any cavities from building up.

You’ll often hear people say that the best brushing motion is back and forth, up and down, or even around in circles. But the truth is that the direction doesn’t matter when it comes to cleaning your teeth. The important thing is that you clean your teeth thoroughly on all sides.

Teaching your child the importance of good dental hygiene can come in handy once he grows old. It will help protect his teeth from any damage caused by plaque and tooth decay. This gives him better chances of developing a great smile even at an early age. Your child will thank you for that when he grows up with a beautiful set of teeth.

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