Knowing if You’re Recovering from a Mental Health Issue

recovering from mental health issue

Mental health has become a huge issue in today’s society. As more people recognize the importance of mental health, many take steps to know its cause and symptoms. Some are taking mental health first aid courses to educate themselves or help someone experiencing a mental health problem.

Those who have begun their treatment for a long time may notice significant progress since they started. Although the improvement is gradual, you may be wondering how you can tell if a person is improving. In this article, we’re going to discuss whether you’re on the road to recovery and the signs if you’re recovering from your mental health concern.

Your symptoms are gradually decreasing

Although it seems difficult to measure the impact of your recovery techniques on your mental health, experts say that are some ways to identify them.

The best way to start is to check the current symptoms you’re experiencing. For example, if you experienced more than three panic attacks each week before you begin therapy, check if the frequency of those attacks reduced after several months of sessions. If the panic attacks are reduced to one each week, it’s a clear sign you improved significantly.

Don’t get frustrated if you can’t eliminate those panic attacks. Mental health recovery is a long process, and every progress you make is already a big step.

When it comes to reduction in symptoms, here are some things you will observe:

  • Better sleep: During consultations, a mental health provider will ask about your sleep patterns. They may ask questions, such as “What time do you sleep?” “Do you feel restful when you wake up?” “Is there something that keeps you awake at night?” Mental health and sleep are directly associated since poor sleep is a common symptom of mental health problems.
  • Fewer emotional outbursts: Sudden emotional outbursts are another symptom of a mental health issue. If you no longer lash out when things don’t go on your way, it can be a good sign of progress.
  • Good appetite: People with depression are likely to experience changes in appetite. But if your appetite is becoming pretty stable lately, it can be your mental health is improving.

experiencing mental health problems

You have greater trust in your abilities

People with mental health issues have a habit of relying deeply on external opinions to validate their decisions. But if you notice changes in how you trust your judgment more when making big decisions, this is a remarkable feat in your mental health journey.

Trusting your judgment without seeking outside validation is a huge step. You allow yourself to do what you love without thinking about what others say. When the time comes to make more significant decisions, you’ll get a different kind of feeling you accomplished something big.

You’re good at setting boundaries

The way you handle boundaries is one of the best ways to determine your growth. For example, you’re now good at managing your friend who expects you to give all your attention to them when they call. Before, you would blindly follow what they want because you’re afraid of losing a friend.

When you have a better boundary, you will be upfront about your emotions by telling them you like to see them, but you appreciate prior notice. Once you get the hang of it, setting boundaries will give you a better sense of empowerment.

Sometimes, setting emotional parameters can be bothering for people around you, but it’s essential to do it for yourself and not for anyone else. Taking time to meet your personal needs will give you more freedom and time to do whatever you want.

Your daily function has improved

If you’re finding it easy to carry out your everyday activities, it is a healthy sign you’re improving. This means you take time to maintain your hygiene, come to work on time, prepare yourself a complete meal, and socialize with friends and family. As you progress, you may consider setting bigger goals each week.

Your emotional quotient increases

Although we can’t quantify emotional intelligence (EI), unlike cognitive IQ, there are some ways to notice improvements in EI. For example, your social interactions are making you feel better.

You’ll also be less likely to bottle up your emotions or internalize them. Instead, you’re more comfortable expressing yourself assertively instead of being passive-aggressive or aggressive. You also find it easy to take accountability for your actions and outcomes.

There are many ways to monitor your progress when dealing with a mental health disorder. It depends on your condition, symptoms, lifestyle, and the type of remedies being taken. Still, healing is a long process, and it relies on how you manage your mental health condition. Once you notice improvements, don’t just stop there. You have to keep working for yourself until you can live a fulfilling life without depending on any medication or therapy.

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