Elements of Patient-Centered Care for Chronic Health Conditions

Boy wth chronic disease being checked

Unfortunately, chronic diseases are nowadays increasingly prevalent. Fortunately, there are several alternatives for the management of chronic conditions to guarantee patients live a fulfilled life irrespective of their health status. While management for chronic diseases has been in existence for ages, significant strides have been made recently in achieving their optimal control. This good news is primarily attributed to the focus on what a patient rather than a health care provider is doing to achieve control of the condition.

There are several aspects of nursing homes in Worcester County, MA, now focus on to increase a patient’s role in their care. Patient-centered care is customized to meet the specific needs of patients in ways that will be valuable and meaningful to them in relation to their culture, dignity, and respect. The following are some of the core elements of patient-centered care when dealing with chronic conditions.


Patients will play little to no role in the management of their conditions if they do not understand what is ailing them. Patient-centered care is thus hinged on providing as much information as possible to clients on the diseases they are suffering from. This way, they know what to avoid, the essence of the medications and therapies they are undergoing, and how to minimize their need for emergency care. Education empowers patients to take part in their care and boosts the compliance rate to medications and therapies.

Care Coordination

You will generally need to see different specialists when battling most chronic conditions. In the past, these specialists usually focused on their role in your care rather than how you were benefitting from the same and its effects on other treatments. In patient-centered care, however, care is coordinated towards the patient. To this end, specialists will coordinate their efforts to focus on a patient and ensure their treatments work together rather than against each other.

Physical Comfort

Compliance with various forms of medical care is only possible when a patient is as comfortable as possible. To this end, patient-centered care focuses on assistance for the patients who need help with activities of daily living, pain management, and psychological well-being. Physical and emotional comfort are crucial elements that enable patients to focus on the management of their disease since it shows them that therapy is working.

The Involvement of Loved Ones

Little girl with chronic disease being checked

You cannot treat a chronic condition at the exclusion of a patient’s loved ones and expect to see positive results. Patient-centered care thus ropes in friends and families. Involving them in care boosts a patient’s compliance and their overall experience. The involvement happens in the form of provision of accommodation, participation in decision making for therapy, and giving emotional support.

Chronic conditions do not spell doom for patients anymore. With the above elements of patient-centered care, you are assured that the disease will have little impact on your overall life. Some of the benefits that have been seen by healthcare institutions that have adopted this model for their patients include improved resource allocation and reduced medical expenses for patients. Healthcare workers are also motivated to offer high levels of care once they see the impact of their therapies on patients.

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