For First-Time Slow Travelers: 3 Ways to Get it Right

Couple traveling

A lot more people are becoming convinced that slow traveling is the way to go when it comes to maximizing trips. When you ditch strict itineraries, skip popular tourist attractions, and trade Instagrammable photo-ops for the unfiltered and raw activities of the locals in a destination, you get a better, more meaningful travel experience. If you are considering jumping into the bandwagon of slow travel, here are some of the ways you can apply it:

Stay in one place.

When it comes to experiences, tourists like to fill up their schedules with so many things to do, so many places to visit. It looks like it is the best strategy, as you are only going to be in that destination for just a limited number of days. Might as well do everything under the sun while you are there, right? But, this hurried approach rarely makes a meaningful impact. Yes, you got the photo of the gorgeous sunset over Bath City or the Pinterest-worthy cat restaurant, but you miss the chance of musing over life while lounging around at the boat or watching people as you sip your latte, precisely because you need to see and visit so many locations.

The better way to approach travel is to simplify things. Do less, but better. Go to fewer places, but explore them in detail. In fact, if you can stay in one place only, that is better (and less tiring, to be honest). With this, you will not be paying for additional transportation or accommodations fees, but put your money on more activities to try in that area. Consider the Bath City centre hotels if you want to be in the middle of historical, cultural sites.

Learn the locals’ language.

This is not just so you can easily order food in restaurants or avoid getting lost. Being familiar with the native lingo gives the feeling of belonging to that place. It fosters a connection with the locals. It is like saying, ‘I do not want to be just a foreigner, but a friend to you.’ Believe it or not, this way of reaching out will be returned with kindness and a smile. And that elevates the entire travel experience, giving it a better sense of meaning.

Now, you do not have to be fluent, of course. Unless that is your goal. A few words and phrases will do. If you can say the basics, like ‘Hi’, ‘Thank you’, and ‘Goodbye’ in the local language, that is already good. If you want to learn more, go ask the baristas in the coffee shop you are visiting or the bystanders at the beachside. You will never know, you might just be invited to house parties or community gatherings, which can make you feel like you belong all the more.

Be open to opportunities.

Friends travel in a tour bus
Speaking of house party invitations and strangers turning into friends, do not be afraid to entertain possibilities of going slightly off track your original plan. These opportunities will lead you to interesting finds, in one way or another — even if there are some slip ups here and there. For instance, although the party is not exactly the kind of vibe you want or the food is not the best, at least you met people. At least you saw how the locals get a good time. At least you have a story to tell your friends back home. The bottom line is do not turn down opportunities to discover awesome stuff. Feel free to get lost and change plans sometimes.

Slow traveling is a good way to make the most of your trips. It puts more meaning to the places you visit and the people you meet. That said, go slow in your next travel. Enjoy the unhurried pace.

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