Safe Boating Practices You Should Observe

a group of people boating

The summer presents plenty of leisure opportunities for many people in the United States, thanks to the favorable warm weather. What is your ideal summer afternoon like? Basking under the sun? Swimming in the ocean? Relaxing with friends?  For a majority of people, the ideal summer afternoon is one that is spent out in the waters on one of the Michigan pontoon boats, feeling the sun on their skin and wind in their hair.

However, there are hundreds of people who experience injuries and even death due to boating accidents. It thus makes sense for one to understand boating safety precautions that can help prevent these accidents. Here are a few that can come in handy ahead when thinking of going on a boating expedition:

Do not Drink on the Boat

Isn’t it interesting that most boaters would not go drunk driving but seems to have no problem sipping a beer on a boat? Boating when drunk is no different from driving when drunk, and can easily lead into a boating accident. Apart from that, boating when drunk is a legal offense and is punishable by law.

Wear Life Jackets

people using life jackets

The warm weather during summer will make you want to wear as less clothes as possible. However, when it comes to safety in the waters, a life jacket is a must-have. Modern life jackets are compact, thin, and flexible to wear even in the hot weather. The jacket should be properly worn and of the right fit so to serve its purpose best.

Watch out for the Weather

Just because you are going boating in the summer does not make it a guarantee that the sun will be out and the weather will be warm. It is always advisable for one to check the local weather and the destination forecast before leaving the dock. Once you notice changes in the wind, the light, and the skies, it is also best to play safe and get your boat out of the water immediately regardless of the weather forecast details.

Boat Propeller Safety

The propellers in the boat’s body can inflict harm on a person who is under the water. Therefore, be sure to cross-check that nobody is around the propeller. Also, do not let children sit in boat areas around the propeller as they could fall into the water. Some boat models contain propeller guards and other safety devices for the propeller.

Consider the Other People in the Water

There are high chances that you will not be the only person in the waters. There will be other swimmers and boaters with you. Ensure that you maintain the recommended safe distance and obey the sign rules in the waters. Local authorities have stipulated rules that boat users must abide by when in the waters for the safety of all water users.

Going out in the waters on one of the Michigan Pontoon boats alone or with friends and family might sound like the ideal way to spend your summer afternoon. However, it only takes one boating accident, to ruin an entire summer holiday. Learning and taking safety precautions before getting in and while in a boat is the best way to maximize your boating adventure.

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