Simple Ways to Keep the Love Alive During Wedding Planning

Couple arguing

For sure, you’ve heard of the crazy horror stories of wedding planning: couples fighting over petty things, brides passing up on date nights, and grooms wanting to call off the event altogether. In between choosing color palettes and meeting florists, the “spark” between couples can easily get snuffed out. Of course, it shouldn’t.

When before keeping the romance alive in between your busy work schedules is important, you need to work doubly hard now that you’re planning the biggest event in your life as a couple so far. Here are some of the best ways to stay in love in the middle of the overwhelming administrative tasks of wedding planning.

Make Time for Dates

Never skip dates, no matter how busy you both are. Even a quick lunch or a break from meeting vendors can help you re-orient your perspective on what matters here—your relationship. Take note of the number one rule though when dating while wedding planning: Avoid talking about the wedding. Keep your dates light and easy. Take your mind off the event details, and focus on enjoying each other’s company.

Give a different flavor to your dates now and then. On some days, you can do the classic date nights in, binge-watching your favorite TV show. On other days, go for a spontaneous trip out of town. Find a reliable wedding and event planner in Colorado to help ensure that everything’s under control even when you and your partner take time off.

Work Out Together

Fit couple at the gymExercise is a good outlet for the stress of wedding planning. It triggers the release of endorphins, which then boosts your moods. Of course, there’s also the benefit of getting in good shape just before your big day. Rather than hitting the gym alone or with your friend, why don’t you work out with your fiancé? This will make for a good bonding activity.

If time and budget permit, try outdoor activities. Go hike on a mountain. Explore river rafting. Experience surfing or spelunking. These sports will allow you to release that tension from wedding planning, and at the same time, learn new things about each other. The latter is important. Engage in meaningful talks with your partner to know them more deeply.

Find Romance in the Little Things

Most of the wedding preps aren’t exactly romantic, like choosing table linens and finding a good DJ. But there are lots of ways to find sweet things in the most unromantic stuff. For instance, when you’re going through the boring task of picking linens for the tables, think about doing this with your life partner for your future home, with probably a second baby on the way.

Or, when finding a DJ, ask them to play your love song, the song that was playing in the restaurant where you first dated. Reminisce together and savor in the brief memory lane trip. The key is to find romance in the little things.

Again, keeping the romance alive is more important than ever when planning a wedding. Don’t lose the spark. Keep it burning. Stay in love in between deciding on bouquets and reception seating.

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