Fun Activities for Patients With Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Young woman caring for elderly woman

As people age, the body and mind slowly deteriorate and regress. This happens to everyone, but people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia experience more intense and evident changes. While families wish to keep their elderly parents close to them, it sometimes becomes a struggle.

Regular homes were not designed to provide them with the comfort that they need, and the family is not trained to address their immediate medical needs. So, families with patients suffering from these diseases turn to facilities offering specialized memory care services in Ogden.

Retirement homes take the stigma out of not personally caring for senior parents or loved ones. These facilities have designed areas for those who need memory care or expert medical attention. Residents require specialized and sensitive care to keep them safe and comfortable, and to mitigate the symptoms that come with their illness.

Some common activities that centers do for their memory care patients are the following.

Socialization and Conversation

Memory care patients are not kept in close quarters; they are allowed to socialize with other patients to increase their confidence and promote a sense of belongingness. Talking to other people, whether it is through phone calls, Internet chat or short conversations, can do wonders. Thus, memory care centers encourage seniors to pay loved ones a visit and join social activities like parties and special occasions.

With socialization and constant communication comes improved overall brain health. Among the different factors identified to influence cognitive and emotional health among the elderly are social and mental stimulation through strong connections.

Problem-Solving Games

Problem-solving puzzles require concentration and attention. Elderly who regularly read and play mentally stimulating games are less likely to have more serious memory illnesses. The games may be simple, but their value cannot be underestimated.

There are various kinds of challenging games to tickle the interest of everyone. Some examples of games for patients in memory care are crossword puzzles, anagrams, jigsaw and word searches. Board games and card games are also great options since they also encourage social interaction.

Physical Exercises

Caretaker guiding older woman

Memory care facilities include overall body health to keep their patients strong and healthy. Activities such as stretching, walking, yoga and tai chi can help relieve the mind of stress and pressure.

Research has also shown that both physical and mental stimulation reduces elderly tendencies of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia. This is why memory care centers always include low-impact exercises for their patients in their list of activities aside from socialization and mind-enriching games.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are health conditions that require specialized care and attention. There are many retirement homes that offer memory care services for seniors with these illnesses. They apply all possible practice and activities to help mitigate their symptoms and effects.

Therapies implemented by memory care centers often focus on providing the elderly with an improved quality of life. There is no reason seniors cannot have fun in this process. Challenging and mentally stimulating activities are there to help memory care patients enjoy a relaxed and happy lifestyle.

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