Your Guide to Choosing the Most Suitable Rollator

senior lady using a rollator

Rollators, also known as walking frames, are considered as lifelines of people struggling with mobility, including those who have a long-term disability. These rollators, which can be three or four-wheeled, differ according to the needs and condition of the patient who will be using it.

There are available rollator walkers with seats, shopping baskets and adjustable handlebars. They have parking brakes, making lifting a person from a wheelchair easier and more comfortable. When investing in a walking aid for a loved one, here are five things you should keep in mind to get the most suitable rollator among the hundreds of choices.

Mobility or Safety

When choosing a rollator walker, remember that this equipment differs from other standard walker types. Compared with a standard walker with two wheels, rollators have three or four wheels for extra mobility.

For people who might need more safety and stability, this is not advisable for use. Rollators do come with hand brakes to allow users to stop when needed, but the users must be capable of controlling it for their own safety.

Purpose and Use

Some people get excited about using a rollator and think that it will automatically benefit them. But before getting one, it is best to consider the purpose first.

This equipment is best for people with some mobility issues but can still get out, move around and may just need a little rest for their endurance by using the seat that comes with it. Patients who have walking difficulties such as walking from the bedroom to bathroom are not candidates for rollators. A standard walking assistant is the best choice for them, as it offers more support and stability.

Level of Comfort

doctor helping an old woman walk

Most rollator models come with foldable seats with padding for comfort and support. Some even have extra thick padding and back support. Depending on the condition and needs of the user, make sure to purchase the right model with the appropriate features that will provide them with the right level of comfort and safety.

Three or Four Wheels

Three-wheeled rollator models do not come with foldable seats for resting. They are advised for people who are confident about their endurance and mobility. Three-wheeled rollators are just for extra support.

On the other hand, four-wheeled models are considered as standard models and used by many because of the foldable seat feature as well as the stability and safety it provides.

Wheel Type

Rollators have different types of wheels, too. Some models come with air tires, but most only have the standard rubber wheels, which provide better support. Rollators with air tires are great for outdoor use and when moving on uneven surfaces is expected. But if it will be used on flat, even pavements, standard wheels are the right choice.

An extra tip when buying rollators is to consider the height of the user. These rollators differ in height, and some of them have adjustable handlebars. Choose one that is appropriate for the user to make walking comfortable and easier for them. With these tips, choosing the most suitable type of rollator will be a smoother experience.

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