Feeling Like New Again

Dentist smiling with other dentist in background

It can be distressing to have a missing tooth or even several missing teeth or to have ill-fitting dentures. This can all result in making a person feel less comfortable with their smile, leading them to seek consultation with a dentist in Mackay regarding their options.

Thankfully, there is a relatively simple procedure that can be performed which can significantly improve the physical health of a person’s jawbone after losing teeth, as well as providing a comfortable, discrete and long-lasting solution to their missing teeth.

By installing a metal rod into the site of a missing tooth or in several predetermined positions in order to securely fasten a crown, bridge or a full set of dentures, patients can benefit from wearing natural looking teeth permanently without needing to treat them any differently to their own teeth.

What is the general process that can be expected?

It should first be said that every patient has their own unique conditions and that the dentist at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston will consult with their patient what the best method may be out of several options that are available to them.

Patients should always be open and honest with their dentist about their expectations so that a dentist can align this expectation as close as possible to reality, or explain the features of this procedure that might not be so apparent in order for both patient and dentist to be understanding one another.

The general process is of course a very sophisticated one with a lot of time and care put into the planning stages of the procedure using quality imaging equipment that is constantly advancing.

A 3D scan will provide a dentist with the information they need for any patient who is considering to have this procedure done by allowing them to accurately place the metal fixture, avoiding jawbone structures that shouldn’t be tampered with. This accurate placement also provides optimal comfort and minimal healing time.

The metal rod is inserted and there is a healing time of about 3 months giving the jawbone time to fuse with the titanium alloy and provide a strong support, just like that of an ordinary tooth root. It It is possible that a temporary tooth can be placed in position during this time, with a permanent fixture being inserted once healing is complete

When is the optimal time to have this procedure done?

Denstist getting ready with the procedure

Any time is a good time to improve the comfort and appearance of a smile, but sooner rather than later is most likely a preferable option.

This is because over time, the jawbone degrades when there is no tooth sending the signals that it needs to continue to stimulate growth and repair. Even those with dentures will find that their jawbone has receded over time.

There are solutions to this, allowing most healthy patients who have had dentures for years to benefit from securing them in place with the advanced all-on-four technique.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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