Combining modern technology with timeless knowledge

dentist showing her patient's teeth xray before surgery

Exciting new technology has certainly revolutionised the dentist in Mackayand exciting new paths are being forged all the time that are improving the quality of dentistry techniques and the longevity of repairs.

One such advancement is the introduction of dental implants; a more permanent alternative to dentures.

Unlike dentures, dental implants are individually designed for each missing tooth rather than requiring a plate, crowns can be permanently fixed into the mouth and there are many advantages of having them that can increase a patient’s self confidence and overall oral health.

What are dental implants?

The implants themselves are actually titanium screws that are directly screwed into the jawbone at the site of a missing tooth. Over time the screw fuses with the jawbone and are essentially replacement tooth roots.

A permanent or removable crown or in other words a false tooth can be fixed directly to the screw, matching the colour and appearance of regular teeth and allowing for normal day to day life to commence for the patient. They are able to eat, talk and act as if the implant was a natural tooth.

Who can get a dental implant?

The success rate is extremely high for those who undergo the procedure, but there are a few relatively simple hoops one must jump through in order to be a candidate. Any person who has an extraction of a tooth or is missing teeth who are healthy and have healthy gums are invited to consider dental implants as an option for their future.

Heavy smokers, those with heart disease or diabetes or people undergoing radiation therapy are advised of the risks and these patients need to evaluated personally to see if they are viable.

Why would someone get a dental implant?

sample model of teeth withn a small magnifying glass

It is important for an individual’s oral health to keep a full set of teeth. Surrounding teeth are negatively impacted when a tooth goes missing, due to the increase in plaque buildup and potential decay.  The jawbone at the site of a missing tooth begins to degrade relatively quickly once a tooth disappears, and this will weaken the surrounding teeth causing further tooth loss.

Gums are exposed and there is increased risk of infection. People are unable to eat the foods they enjoy through fear of pain as the sensitive gums can be cut and injured easily in the absence of a tooth.

There is also a confidence factor to take into account, where missing teeth may negatively impact an individual’s self esteem. As the jawbone begins to degrade, this can change the shape of a person’s face as well as impacting their speech.

Comfort is key and dental implants as a permanent fixture have no issues with slipping and do no need to be removed to clean or at night. Functioning just like regular, natural teeth, patients do not need to be concerned for the food they eat or any embarrassing mishaps that could otherwise negatively impact their self esteem.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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