The College Experience amid a Pandemic


The college experience is supposed to be a fun experience full of adventure and cringe-worthy memories with friends. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken this away from college students this year as educational institutions take measures to prevent the spread of the virus on campus. The onset of the global health crisis is a major life event for many of us, more so for young adults who are starting a new chapter in their lives.

Nothing is normal during this pandemic, even as we try to convince ourselves that our old routines can be continued, like attending school. While some students may have gone back to their homes during this pandemic, there might still be some young adults who are looking for places to stay during this time. Affordable student accommodations can help keep a students’ budget at a minimum during their stay amid this health crisis.

It is unfortunate for young students to be experiencing this major lifestyle shift as they go on to study college. Nevertheless, the college experience should be filled with learning and seized opportunities despite the situation.

Pandemic College Experience

The global health crisis has changed the lives of many people, including students all over the world. For college students, in particular, the social distancing guidelines and even the remote classes have taken a toll on their mental health during this time. Some students have shared the difficulties they needed to face as academic institutions try to adapt to the current learning landscape.

Even before the pandemic, college life has already been a place full of challenges. Going to college is often mixed with feelings of anxiety and excitement because this is usually a time when young adults move out of their homes to move into their campus. However, these are not normal days. In the new normal, students have to face new challenges as the global health crisis affects the educational institutions and the student body.

As parents, guardians, and mentors, it is your responsibility to guide and assist these young students in handling the situation properly. Read up on how to give advice to these young adults on how to deal with the effects of the pandemic on their relationships and school work.

Online Learning Tips

College is a time for growth and learning about the self. As teens attend college remotely during this global health crisis, they need to have proper guidance in academics or social life. Here are tips on how to handle online classes for young adults to make college life more productive.

As students, it is vital to be familiar with your college’s learning management system. Familiarizing yourself with your school’s system will save you more time in doing assigned tasks, and this will also inform you early on about deadlines that you need to take note of.

Assign a specific schedule for studying and doing school work. This is also applicable for people working from home. You must stick to a routine that will allow you to focus on tasks effectively. This will also inform the people in your household that you are not to be disturbed as you focus on your schoolwork.

Communicate with your peers, especially if there are group projects. Communication will keep you social despite the current remote learning setup. This will be beneficial to your mental health in the long run. Also, keeping in touch with your teammates will help you do your best in your assigned tasks.


Apart from this, you should also communicate with your professors. Whether you have an inquiry or you struggle with a certain project, it is wise to get in touch with your professor to allow them to help you out. These are difficult days, and it is understandable if students have difficulties with assignments so that professors will be more than happy to help you out.

Remember that class participation will help you absorb your lessons better. Do your best in staying engaged in class discussions. Your professors will also appreciate the effort.

Students’ Mental Health amid a Pandemic

While your academic life should be a priority, your mental health should always come first. These days, things can get overwhelming easily. Make sure you communicate with your family and friends about whatever you are going through to keep that strong support system.

Take care of your physical health as well to keep your well-being in check. Squeeze in regular exercise daily and choose to eat whole foods. Doing so will help your mental health and will keep you focused on your assignments.

Going to college amid a global health crisis is no joke. Get the support you need whenever you need it because we are all going through tough times, and we want to help each other out in any way we can. Being a student is hard but dealing with this pandemic makes it even more difficult.

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