Aging at Home: How to Help a Senior Loved One Recover from Injury


A slip and fall can send an elderly loved one straight to the emergency room. Due to age, seniors are more prone to accidents that may leave them with broken bones.

Recovering at home can be a challenge, especially if they live on their own. Because of the injury, they likely will experience limitations in movement. Simple actions, such as going to the bathroom, may become a challenge and a safety hazard. Here are some things you can do to help them:

Hire a Carer

The easiest way to guarantee that your loved one will be comfortable at home and will make a full recovery. Businesses like TLC Homecare will send trained personnel to an elderly’s home to provide basic housekeeping, meal preparations, shopping and errands, and finance management. If needed, they will provide nursing services, including medical monitoring, to give you peace of mind.

This option is best for those who may not always be around to take care of their injured parent or sibling.

Acquire Assistive Devices

You can help your aging family member remain independent despite their injury by giving them products that will enable them to perform simple everyday tasks. For example, extra long shoe horns can help them put on socks without the need to bend. Installing grab bars beside toilets and inside the shower will help them get in and out easily and without any assistance.

Ask an occupational therapist about what assistive devices will help make your recovering loved one more comfortable at home.

Rearrange Furniture Around the House

You would need to give your elderly loved one’s home a makeover, one that prioritizes function over style. Organize their furniture in their bedroom, the living room, and the kitchen to create unobstructed pathways. Put away items on the floor that may cause the elderly to trip and fall, including cords of electrical appliances.

While they recover, remove rugs and carpets or, at the very least, anchor them to the floor using gripper or anti-slip tape or caulk. You should also consider buying them shoes that have non-slip soles to use around the house.

Simple Home Exercises

While movement might be a challenge, seniors need physical activity to recover from an injury. As their doctor to recommend exercise plans they can do at home to improve strength, flexibility, and balance. A short walk around the neighborhood can boost healing.

Do Not Forget to Check Their Mental Health

Senior care

Loneliness is an epidemic among seniors. Injuries, which limits their movements, might make them feel even more isolated.

During this period, do not forget to spend more time with your loved one. Listen to their concerns and remind them that the situation is only temporary. They will be able to regain their strength little by little.

If their mood does not improve, schedule a meeting with a psychologist. Some seniors might feel hopeless after an accident. Depression is common among older adults and it needs to be treated through therapy and medication.

Allow them to get back to their regular routines. If they meet friends every weekend, for example, you might need to drive them to the location. If they can go on their own, get them a handicapped parking ticket so they can leave their vehicles near entrances of buildings.

Recovery from an injury is going to be tough for seniors. Through constant communication and by following the advice of their doctors, your loved one can heal and be able to return to normal.

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