Using Your Own Love Language to Show Self-love

self love

Everyone could use a little bit more of a TLC. But then, not everyone is blessed with a supportive family and healthy relationships. In reality, love and care should start from within. There is no reason to wait for someone else to love, take care of you, and make you happy. You are responsible for your own health, happiness, and wellness. That is why experts advise not to take self-love for granted.

There is a multitude of ways to show yourself some love and care. But what better way to do this than by using your own love languages to pamper yourself? Whether your love language is physical touch, quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation, or receiving gifts, you can use the concept of love languages to empower yourself.

According to Gary Chapman, every person has different ways of showing love and affection. You’ve been showering your loved ones your own way of love languages. The best way to give yourself a break and turn yourself into a better, healthier, and happier individual is to treat yourself with the kind of love language you deserve.

Self-love Through Receiving Gifts

treating yourself

You might be the kind of person who loves giving gifts, treating their loved ones with their comfort food, or surprising them with trinkets here and there. But when was the last time you treated yourself to something nice just because you think you deserve it? You may have a limited budget, but that does not mean you should skip self-gifting every once in a while.

You don’t need to buy expensive items just to make yourself happy. Think of something you really need, like, or love. If you can’t find anything, local stores selling vintage items are sure to put a smile on your face.

Self-love Through Words of Affirmation

If you are the kind who has always some good and positive to say about others, your love language might be words of affirmation. But then, most people are into negative self-talk. It is time that you change all that by treating yourself with powerful words of affirmation.

Change negative words into “I can”, “I will”, and “I am”. Stop telling yourself that your plans are impossible, that there is no way you can achieve your dreams, or that it is hard to be a better version of yourself. Say positive things to yourself in the mirror and turn writing on your gratitude journal into a daily routine.

Self-love Through Acts of Service

One might think that it is impossible to practice acts of service to yourself. But in reality, it is easier than one might think. The trick is to think of ways you can make your daily life easier and less stressful.

For one, think of ways you can become more productive without adding additional stress to yourself. This can mean sticking to a cleaning schedule to avoid piling up your weekend chores. It can also mean cooking healthier meals for yourself instead of relying on unhealthy comfort foods.

Don’t forget about the tasks that will give you ultimate pleasure upon completion. For instance, your hobby before was cross-stitching. Completing your piece will give you pleasure knowing you were able to complete a task you love doing.

Self-love Through Physical Touch


Some people love being held and cuddled. But when you are single or your partner is into physical touch, you might be craving this type of affection. The good news is, there are ways you can do it yo yourself.

For one, you can give yourself a massage while resting or get pampered by a pro. Incorporate skincare into your everyday routine. Enjoy a longer shower or a bubble bath and lather on your favorite products as treat after a tiring day at work.

Self-love Through Quality Time

Spending some alone time can be impossible when you don’t live alone and you have tons of things to do each day. But treating yourself with quality alone time is good for your mental health. So, make it a point to set aside enough time to be alone while doing the things you love.

Set aside at least one hour each day to meditate, exercise, go on a walk, read a book, or simply doing anything to slow down. Clear your schedule and make time for personal development activities. This will help you make the most out of your time while gaining new knowledge and skills.

Some people have multiple love languages. Identifying what your love language is and using this for your own health and wellness is the best way to show yourself some love. Remember that you deserve all the love you can give. It will be easier to shower your loved ones with your love and affection if you too make time to give yourself the love it deserves.

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