7 Careers That Will Bring You Close to Nature

nature researcher

Spending time in nature has been shown to have many benefits, from reducing stress levels to improving mental well-being. If you love being outdoors and enjoy being around plants and animals, then a career that allows you to be close to nature might be a good fit for you.

Why choose a nature-related career?

A lot of people love nature. They love hiking in the woods, birdwatching, playing in the rain, and gardening. But some people don’t know that you can make a career out of working with nature. Suppose you’re passionate about the outdoors and want to find a way to incorporate it into your life. In that case, a nature-related career might be right for you. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • You Can Make a Difference. When you work with nature, you have the opportunity to make a difference in the world. Whether you’re working to conserve biodiversity or prevent deforestation, your work can have a real and tangible impact on the world around you.
  • You Can Work Outside. Let’s be honest: sitting in an office all day can be pretty dreary. But when you work with nature, you can often avoid being indoors all day long.
  • There’s a Job for Everyone. Whether you’re interested in animals, plants, or even insects, there’s sure to be a nature-related job perfect for you. There are careers in animal science, forestry, horticulture, conservation biology—the list goes on and on.

Nature-related career options

Careers close to nature are incredibly rewarding and offer the opportunity to help preserve and protect our natural world. Here are seven career options that will bring you close to nature:

Tree surgeon

One of the most popular nature-related careers is tree surgery. Tree surgeons are responsible for the care and maintenance of trees, including felling, trimming, and stump removal. Tree surgeons often work in teams and may also be responsible for providing tree-related advice to homeowners and landowners. If you’re interested in becoming a tree surgeon, you’ll need to complete a tree surgery training course. This will teach you the skills to safely and effectively carry out tree surgery tasks.



If you’re interested in working with plants and animals and being outdoors, then farming might be the perfect career for you. Farmers grow crops and raise livestock, often working long hours during planting and harvesting season. However, farmers also get to enjoy the fruits of their labor and take pride in watching their crops grow.


Gardening is a great way to get close to nature while beautifying your community. Gardeners take care of plants, lawns, and gardens and often have the satisfaction of seeing their hard work pay off when things are in full bloom. Many gardeners also get to work with power tools and machinery, which can be fun for some people.


Landscapers design, install and maintain outdoor spaces like gardens, parks, and public areas. They often work with a team of other landscapers and use heavy machineries like tractors and Bobcats. This can be a physically demanding job, but it’s also very rewarding when you see the finished product. Plus, working outdoors is great for your health!


Foresters manage forests and help conserve them for future generations. They develop plans for logging operations, fight forest fires, plant trees, and monitor wildlife populations. This job requires knowledge of biology, ecology, geology, and silviculture (the science of growing trees), so it’s perfect for people who are interested in science and nature.

Park Ranger

Park rangers protect our nation’s parks and natural resources. The law enforcement officials who patrol parks looking for crimes or unsafe activities; also educate visitors about Leave No Trace principles, park rules & regulations, safety hazards, and the natural history of the area. Being a park ranger is a great way to get paid to spend time outdoors!

Veterinarian/Veterinarian Assistants

As a veterinarian, you would care for the health of animals by diagnosing & treat injuries or illnesses. You would also prescribe medication & vaccinations, perform surgery,& offer advice on animal care. Veterinary assistants help vets by restraining animals during exams & procedures, administering tests & medications, collecting lab samples,& cleaning kennels. This job is perfect for animal lovers!

The bottom line

Working outdoors doesn’t have to mean getting dirty or working with bugs–although those jobs are important too! There are plenty of careers that allow you to enjoy the fresh air while still doing something you love. So if you’re looking for a career change or just trying to find a job that works better with your lifestyle, consider one of these seven careers that will bring you close to nature.

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