Ways to Assess an Esthetician’s Skill and Credibility: a Guide for Skincare Novices

happy woman

If you’ve also been bitten by the skincare bug, chances are you’re interested in getting your skin issues treated by an aesthetician. After all, at-home regimens can only do so much, and sometimes, it causes you to combine ingredients that are unfriendly to one another.

Plus, getting regular facials makes us feel more confident. It’s as if we’re celebrities, with the pampering and calming atmosphere we experience in clinics. Hence, even if an aesthetician’s services are pricey, we understand why some women (and a few men) religiously swear by them.

But if you’re a beauty novice who doesn’t know a thing about aestheticians, choosing one can be overwhelming. Lots of qualified ones are out there, all of them with beautiful premises and friendly staff. So how will you know which one is best for you?

1. They Can Treat Your Skin Issues

Some people with skin issues are conflicted as to whom they should approach: a dermatologist or an aesthetician? The two professions are often confused with one another, as both deals with skincare and cosmetic treatments.

But they are fairly different. A dermatologist is a medical doctor that should’ve completed a four-year graduate degree, a four-year med school degree, a year of internship in their field, and a three-year dermatology residency program. As such, they specialize in medical skin conditions, such as skin cancer, cystic acne, acne lesions, and potentially cancerous moles, to name a few.

On the other hand, an aesthetician is a professional that should’ve completed between 300 and 1,000 hours of training at an aesthetics or cosmetology school. They should also have a license that they renew regularly. And as for their specialty, they handle skincare anatomy, physiology, infection, and procedures such as eyebrow waxing or threading, diamond peels, facials, and the like.

Therefore, if your skin issues are minor and are not caused by any disorders, you can visit an aesthetician. But it won’t hurt to consult a dermatologist first; after all, it’s best to be sure that a freckle is really just a freckle.

2. They Answer Your Questions

A good aesthetician should entertain your questions and answer them in detail. You can ask them about their credentials first for the introduction’s sake, then proceed to talk about their services. If you’re interested in an aggressive therapy, like a laser, microneedling, gluta IV drip, or peels, you should ask them about the tools they use. Think of them as serious medical procedures, such as a surgery. If you’d ensure that a surgeon uses reliable PDO threads or that of another esteemed brand, you should also be meticulous on the apparatus that an aesthetician may use on you.

3. Their Rooms are Clean

This is a no-brainer, but believe it or not, many people get fooled by quack aestheticians, who would only carry out their procedures in their homes, with barely any professional equipment and tools around.

Therefore, don’t overlook the finer details of an aesthetician’s premises. You should see their tools being sterilized, the aesthetician themselves and their staff washing their hands and wearing gloves, etc. The rooms should smell and look clean, the bedding crips and fresh.

4. They are Recommended by People You Know

If you’re having trouble choosing an aesthetician, ask your friends who might know one. Most aestheticians get their clients through word-of-mouth recommendations, so don’t underestimate your friends’ testimonials. And while at it, see if your pals’ skins are glowing; if it is, then their aesthetician is definitely a good one.

5. You Feel Positive that You Can Do Regular Visits

facial treatment

You can also feel a connection with an aesthetician. Book one session, and see how pampered you feel. If the aesthetician’s extractions felt prickly yet satisfying, chances are you’ve found “the one.”

A way to know if extraction is done right is when it is fast. No good aesthetician takes their sweet time on a pimple that’s already hurting so bad. If they do that, that only means that they’re not trained to extract correctly. They might even cause the pimple to get an infection.

All in all, your first and succeeding sessions should feel soothing, relaxing, and fun.

6. Your Skin Doesn’t Sprout Irritations

Some aesthetic procedures really do have side effects, another reason to ask thorough questions and do your research. If your aesthetician guarantees that you won’t leave with worse skin, then you shouldn’t sprout irritations when you get home. Redness will be normal after an extraction, but it shouldn’t lead to skin damage. You should always leave the premises with glowing skin.

7. They Ask About Your General Health

Lastly, a good aesthetician should find out if you have certain health conditions that may affect their procedures. Subjecting you to their services without knowing if you’re taking medications or have allergies means that they’re only after your money, so be careful.

Once you find the right aesthetician, your routines will be much more exciting, with pampering sessions to look forward to every two weeks or so. Listen to your aesthetician’s advice and skincare tips as well, because your cooperation will help in maintaining your glowing skin longer.

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