Traveling Tips for Your High-maintenance Beauty Regimen

applying face cream

Skincare, makeup, hygiene, fashion—all of these things are challenging to maintain while traveling, even when you are not a high-maintenance person. But if you are high maintenance, you might find it hard to cope with your regular routines in a completely different environment and without the luxuries you have at home.

Does this mean you have to abandon all your high-maintenance routines, products, and comforts at home? Not at all! Whether you are about to go on a week-long or a six-month-long trip, here are some tips to keep yourself looking high-maintenance without making traveling extra hard:

  1. Pack everything into travel-sized containers

Need we say more? If you use many products regularly, pack each one into a travel-sized container, the size of which depends on how long you’re going to be gone. Of course, it wouldn’t make sense to use small containers if you’re going on a very long trip. But if you are going for a weekender or perhaps a week-long trip, pack just enough to last you the entire time so that you’re not lugging fifty pounds of products with you.

  1. Look for a salon or barber ahead of time

You probably invest time and money to keep your hair looking awesome, and it deserves the same treatment wherever you are in the world. If you are going on a long trip, it’s a good idea to find a good salon or barber ahead of time in case you need a trim while you’re there. Research on the Internet for the best-rated places, and you can even ask locals with fresh-looking hairstyles where they got their cut from.

  1. Buy the essentials when you get there

This tip applies to all types of travelers, not just the high-maintenance ones. If you want to save space in your luggage, buy the generic essentials at your destination, such as laundry detergent, baby wipes, makeup remover, sunscreen, and other things that you need and can find at local stores. Unless you need a specific brand that might be obscure in the place you’re going, buy it when you get there.

  1. Avoid breakable products

Avoid packing products that are easy to break, such as powdery makeup, cologne in glass bottles, flimsy beard combs.


  1. Change up your makeup routine

While on the go, you might not have as much time to beat your face to perfection, and you probably don’t want to spend hours doing your makeup instead of enjoying your trip. That said, consider changing your makeup routine into something simpler, something that you can do in a short amount of time and requires fewer products so that you don’t take up the entire counter in the airport bathroom.

If you’re also going to be spending a lot of time outside sunbathing or swimming and whatnot, choose a makeup look that can last you the entire day and won’t make you look out of place. Waterproof makeup is your friend here. If you are going to go hiking, running, or some other sweat-inducing activity, thinner makeup is also a plus.

  1. Use organizers

If you’re going to be bringing a lot of stuff to keep up with your high-maintenance routine, then you would need to invest in organizers so that your belongings aren’t all over the place. Use packing cubes to separate your clothes into categories or sizes. Toiletry bags are great for makeup, skincare products, and hygiene essentials. Bring a separate bag for your everyday essentials as well to pack in your day bag or carry-on.

If you’re bringing electric clippers with you, it’s also a good idea to keep it in a secure case so that it doesn’t break while in transit.

  1. Invest in multi-tasking products

There is only so much stuff you can bring until it becomes too much. To keep your luggage as light as possible, choose skincare, hygiene, and makeup products that have multiple uses. For instance, tinted moisturizers act as foundation and sunscreen as well. There are also balms that you can use for both your lips and cheeks, as well as shaving cream that you can use for both facial and body hair.

Whether you are a guy or a girl, being high-maintenance shouldn’t hinder you from packing light and making your trip as convenient as possible. Heed these tips, and you’ll find yourself actually enjoying getting ready for your trip instead of worrying about all of the things that you have to take care of—even if there is a lot!

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