How to Stay Active When You Are Working From Home

man working from home

What’s the common excuse we hear when people want to but cannot stay active because of work? “Oh, I don’t have time to go to the gym,” “I work from home, so I don’t have the equipment,” “I am so tired that I can’t get up and run,” etc. Staying active and fit should be deliberate. It’s not something that you do only when you have free time. It’s a constant need to work out, be and stay active, and watch out for what you eat. However, if you are working from home, it is admittedly much harder to fit it into your schedule.

While working from home has its perks, it cannot be denied that it comes with unfortunate distractions and the blending of personal and professional time. When does work start, and when does it stop? When can you stop answering emails, and when should you start preparing dinner? Sometimes, it’s hard to squeeze in 30 minutes of break, much less a workout, because of conflicts in the schedule and time management.

Find Time and Find Space

You have to remember two things when staying active while working at home. The first thing is that you need to carve out a space for it. A small corner in the living room is nice. However, if you have a backyard, it’s much nicer to call a landscaping company and have a little Zen corner in the garden, complete with some flowers, shrubs, and succulent plants. Nothing beats the perfection of working out and meditating amid the greenery.

The second thing is being deliberate about time. Whether it’s early in the morning or late at night, nothing should come in between you and working out. An early morning jog is a great idea though a late-night exercise at home sounds great, too. Ask everyone to give you at least an hour to warm up, exercise, and cool down.

Get Up Every Hour

Do you usually sit before the computer? Then, find time to get up every hour. Being sedentary isn’t good for your health. You will notice that you get tired easily, and some of your muscles get strained because of sitting down for an extended period. Sitting, in fact, can lead to health complications such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. Ensure that you get up to stretch and walk around the house every hour you spend in front of the computer.

Do Extra Movements

You don’t have to stop working to stretch your legs and arms. Buying a standing desk is an excellent idea because you can adjust the table’s legs and work while standing up. You can also get up and walk around the house as you make a phone call. If it’s video teleconferencing, then use your smartphone or tablet so that you can walk around as you meet with suppliers, clients, and colleagues. If you think they will feel bad about you walking around as you talk with them, kindly explain that this is the only time you can squeeze in a couple of “workouts.”

Use Technology

You do not need special equipment to exercise. Apps, however, are a great accompaniment to exercising and staying active. You can download special apps for yoga, meditation, high-intensity workout, and many others. There’s something for everyone on the app store. Regardless of your level of fitness and lifestyle, you can find an app that works for you. Many of these workouts are for free. Some of them will even allow you to share an activity with friends so that you can do it at home “together.”

Be Resourceful

All you need is a nice pair of sneakers to work out and stay active. Those fancy equipment are not for people who work at home. Two gallons of water will make for great kettlebells, while your own body weight is also great for some exercises. You have to be resourceful if you want to remain active even though you work from home. Random things in your own home can help you become fit and healthy. Gym equipment is not a requirement to live an active lifestyle at home.

Staying fit is all about commitment and discipline. Even though it is hard to squeeze in the time to work out, you have to be deliberate about it if you are committed to the goal of staying active despite staying at home. If the past months have taught you anything, it should be the importance of your health and how taking care of yourself should be the priority.

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