Plan Your Spring Party Early — Here’s a Checklist to Help You Get Started

Family celebrating a birthday outdoors

Spring time is when families open the pool and clear the backyard, to make everything ready for afternoon parties. If you are excited to organize those get-togethers but not sure where to start, use this checklist to set your plans in motion.

The Party Equipment and Food List

Shop around for party equipment early and best to look for one-stop-shop party planners to streamline the process of your equipment rental for your spring party to be held in the super private backyard space in your Utah home.

Starting early allows you more time to browse through the latest seating equipment and decorating ideas, as well as looking for the perfect caterer to create a great looking spread with equally great food.

Getting all the big pieces in place is the first step of the process and will help make it easier for you to put your theme into effect as you go along.

Book Professional Cleaners

Spring is the perfect time for cleaning. Calling early gives you the opportunity to get a weekend schedule for the pros come out and work their cleaning magic inside and outside your home.

Knowing when to expect them also gives you enough time to sort your personal things and edit your belongings. It’s the perfect time for a weekly cleaning project until the scheduled general cleaning day arrives.

Another benefit of planning this early is you can properly identify which areas in your home need a more thorough cleaning and how you want every area done; more like a structured cleaning plan, which you can discuss with the cleaning squad before starting to work.

Aside from house and yard cleaning, you’ll also need garden cleaning services and pool cleaning services. These are important aspects of the cleaning process to give your home a through and general cleaning just right before the spring week starts. This way you can enjoy a nice start of spring in your super clean and comfortable home.

Get the Laundry Done

Woman doing the laundryPrepare all your replacement beddings and curtains (if this is what you have), so you can immediately change the beds and the curtains once the cleaners are in the final steps of completing the work in each room.

Have box ready to pack in the used items, so it’s all in one container and avoid creating clutter in your newly cleaned space. Book a pickup and delivery appointment that is convenient for you and make sure to store all freshly laundered items immediately to maintain its state of cleanliness. If you have vacuum bags, the better; this will keep your items dust free and allergy-season proof.

Prep Your Home

If you have seasonal decorative items, it’s best to pack these away right before the cleaners arrive. This will make cleaning easier and more efficient, and make decorating a quicker task, too. When your entire home is thoroughly cleaned, you pretty much have a clean slate that makes decorating a fun and less tedious task.

Finalize Your Plans

Pick a date and time for your party, and have a couple back up schedules just in case. Once you’ve finalized the date, time and all your party needs with your food team and equipment team, you can completely focus on the invites (go green by sending e-invites), and even have enough time to make it look fun and cool. Best to incorporate a map with your e-invite for those who are coming to your home for the first time; a handy addition to your invites.

Giving yourself enough time to plan for a party is key to enjoying the process and being stress-free. This way you can have more fun through each planning stage and be sure that you’ve got everything covered have polished the party areas for your private event.

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