Older Adults Heart Health Primer

Elder woman sitting on wheelchair with caregiver pushing her

Aside from being a significant cause of fatalities among American adults, heart diseases also lead to lifetime disability. Age is a known risk factor for cardiovascular illness, which means that your risk for having heart problems increases significantly by the time you reach the age of 60 years.

This is true for both men and women.

Avoiding heart attack and stroke in the older population

You won’t hear the same opinion from a handful of doctors on how to prevent heart disease among men and women 80 years and older. There are various confounding factors to consider. Yet, they do agree on certain things.

You will find the best advice from cardiology experts in Orem – those who have experience working with the geriatric population, and here’s what they have to say.

A healthy weight is a cornerstone

It has already been established that weight increase is a major risk factor for cardiovascular illnesses across age, race, and socioeconomic background. For a person who has no other risk factor, there is still a high likelihood of developing heart disease if there is an excess accumulation of body fat around the waist.

The numbers are still increasing, and it is now clear that obesity is a national epidemic in America. Children and adults alike are seeking medical help due to the illnesses that accompany being overweight and obese. Even among the 65 and older age range, obesity is still a significant concern.

If you are obese or overweight, target a loss of 10 pounds. It will make a huge difference in your health and well-being. By working on maintaining a healthy weight, you will experience improvement in overall health.

If you can hold on to your ideal weight as you get older, you will reap the benefits of having normal blood pressure and blood cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Your heart won’t have to pump against an increased workload.

Essential lifestyle modifications

Elder woman on wheelchair

Heart disease and heart failure can be disabling and limiting. You don’t want to spend your advanced years huffing just to reach the other side of the room. You want to enjoy life as you see fit. You cannot arrest the aging of your blood vessels, but you can keep your heart and arteries healthy by getting at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

Loading up on foods rich in vitamins and minerals and low on salt and fats helps. Seeing your doctor on a regular basis for check-ups and monitoring is an essential component of heart health. Quitting smoking, and keeping tabs on your alcohol intake are on the list of lifestyle modifications as well.

Stressing gets you nowhere, so why bother? Relax, be happy, and live every moment to the fullest.

Older adults are particularly prone to developing cardiovascular disease. Are you at risk? It’s time to rethink your lifestyle and start working for an ideal weight. If you want to live life to the fullest and remain independent and mobile, you will listen to your doctor, and be cognizant of your role in maintaining heart health.

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