Need to Go Out in This New Normal? Don’t Forget to Bring These

Woman wearing face mask

It won’t be long before the entire country eases to general community quarantine. You might already report to work or travel for essential reasons.

Remember, though, these are still cautious times, and you need to adjust to the new normal—hopefully for the time being. Until then, you need to bring with you some essentials to make sure you can protect yourself at all times.

1. Mask

This is non-negotiable. Study after study shows that wearing a mask can help reduce the risk of transmission of the virus. If you’re not feeling well, you can use this to protect others from you.

You can buy different kinds of masks these days:

  • N95 or KN95 mask
  • Surgical mask
  • Fabric or clothing mask

Each has its pros and cons. N95 and KN95 face masks are some of the best in filtering particles. But they are expensive and best reserved for the most vulnerable, such as health care workers. Meanwhile, surgical masks are cheaper than N95s, but they are usually disposable.

Fabric or clothing masks are the most affordable of them all, and you can even make your own. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a step-by-step guide for you. It’s more ideal if you’re less likely to meet high-risk workers.

Quick Note: Masks are usually enough, but if you’re prone to touching your face often, you might pair them with a face shield and a set of goggles.

2. Sunscreen

Do you know that one of the leading cancers in the world is skin cancer? Even if Filipinos are less susceptible to it, you are not immune to photoaging, no thanks to the sun’s harmful rays that can damage your DNA.

To help protect your skin from these problems, don’t forget to carry some sunscreen. You can look for vitamin C lotion with a sun protection factor of 25 and up. The SPF can act as your skin shield, while the vitamin can protect the body from cellular damage.

Quick Note:  While it’s not good to spend a lot of time under the sun, it is also an essential source for vitamin D. Spend no more than 20 minutes outdoors, preferably in the early morning.

3. Soap and Water

Science still has a lot to know about the SARS-COV-2 virus, but one thing is clear: you can inactivate it with soap and water. This pathogen features a layer of fatty membrane or lipids that protects it and sort of keeps it together. With soap, you can destroy this fat pronto.

So far, any soap will do, but you need to wash your hands properly. It means lathering your hands with it for at least 20 seconds, scrubbing both palms, in between the fingers, and underneath the nails.

4. Alcohol

hand sanitizer

Between soap and alcohol, the former seems to be much better in doing the job, a.k.a. “killing” the virus if you touch it. However, not everyone can carry a bar of soap with them anywhere they go.

If this is your situation, pick the next best option, which is alcohol. It works similarly like soap and water, although you might need to air-dry your hands. You also need to find any alcohol-based product with at least 60% concentration.

More than anything, you need to focus when you’re out. Pay attention to your surroundings and don’t forget the guidelines. This way, you can improve your level of safety.

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