How Food Delivery Services Benefited Seniors During the Pandemic


COVID-19 is a threat to everyone, but it’s most dangerous for seniors who are at risk of being hospitalized and dying after catching the highly-contagious virus. While there are deaths recorded across all age groups around the world, those who are over the age of 65 are more likely to have a severe case. In the United States, older adults account for 80 percent of COVID-19 deaths.

That is why, since the beginning of the pandemic, seniors were advised to stay home as much as possible, and to minimize contact to people outside of their households. Almost two years later, a lot of them are still making an effort to stay isolated from the outside world in fear of the virus.

Even simple tasks such as buying groceries and medication have become risky. It’s no wonder that seniors have benefited greatly from delivery services. Almost anything they need can be delivered right in front of their doors, removing potential interactions with someone who may unknowingly have COVID-19.


Food delivery, especially, has been a saving grace during the pandemic, for everyone, particularly to seniors who have to maintain nutrition while self-isolating.

Here’s how food delivery has helped seniors in the past two years.

Perfect for Social Distancing

Food delivery services have allowed seniors to order their favorite foods without having to leave their homes. This has been a great way to keep them safe and healthy during this time of crisis.

Before food delivery services became available, seniors had to either go out and risk exposure to COVID-19 or run the risk of not eating properly because they could not get what they wanted at the store. Now with these deliveries happening right in front of their doors, most elderly people can eat whatever they want without worrying about getting sick from something outside of their homes.

Offers a Wealth of Options

Another perk of food delivery services is the variety of options provided to seniors. Since deliveries happen on a regular basis and not just once in a while, this means that they can get access to all kinds of foods from different cuisines, including their favorite dishes.

For example, if you’re Korean and want pork bone soup or ginseng chicken soup for dinner but never manage to get out of the house every time you crave it because something gets in your way, then you can just order it through your local delivery service.

It’s not all fast foods. There are home-cooked food within vicinity from different restaurants. Any craving or dietary need can be satisfied through food delivery services.

A Way to Consume Nutritious Meals

Seniors need to eat a balanced diet filled with vitamins and minerals that the body needs to survive and fend off illnesses. Many seniors, however, find themselves lacking the energy, motivation, or strength to cook nutritious meals three times a day.

Food delivery services come to the rescue by eliminating the need for seniors to shop for ingredients and cook their meals themselves. There are subscription-based businesses that will deliver ready-to-eat meals that are healthy right on their customer’s front steps. Although a little pricey, it offers convenience as well as health.

If the senior prefers to cook, they can order instead meal kits. Instead of a cooked meal, they get a box of ingredients and instructions on how to prepare the food. This is what services such as Hello Fresh and Blue Apron do. The advantage is that seniors can choose what they want to cook based on their preferences, nutritional needs (for example, low sodium), and available ingredients.

Now More Accessible Than Ever

Food delivery is accessible for everyone. You may think that seniors are technologically-inept, but apps are easy to use, even to those who aren’t well-versed in using different electronic devices. They only need to tap on their screens to make a purchase. Family members can connect credit cards or mobile wallets to allow seniors to pay for their online orders remotely, removing the need for physical cash which can also harbor different disease-causing bacteria and viruses as well as minimizing contact with an outsider.

Food delivery services are more popular than ever, and even older adults are taking advantage of it. It has benefited those who are most vulnerable to COVID-19 in the past two years by providing them the option to buy their groceries and food off a website or an app. By ordering online, seniors are protected from the threat of COVID-19, ensuring that remain healthy and safe until the pandemic ends.

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