Examples of Uncommon or Little Known Addictions

What comes to mind when you think of addiction? Drugs, alcohol, and gambling are typically the most popular answers. But did you know that several other addictions out there may not be as well-known but can still have devastating effects on a person’s life? Here are some uncommon or little-known addictions that may surprise you.


Pornography addiction is a behavioral addiction characterized by an obsession with viewing or engaging in pornographic material. It involves compulsively seeking and consuming pornographic content despite negative consequences and personal distress. When someone becomes addicted to pornography, they may struggle to control their urges and thoughts about porn. This can lead to relationship problems, job issues, financial concerns, and more.

This addiction develops differently for everyone who experiences it. However, some common factors play a role in developing this addiction. Some of these include easy access to porn on the internet, positive reinforcement from the pleasure experienced while viewing porn, and a sense of anonymity while watching porn online.

It’s important to note that not everyone who watches porn will become addicted; however, those with certain risk factors may be more vulnerable than others. Common signs of pornography addiction include constantly thinking about or looking at porn, feeling unable to control how much time is spent looking at porn, and hiding behaviors related to porn.

Suppose you think you could be hooked on pornography or you know someone struggling with this addiction. In that case, it is advised to seek professional help immediately. Getting professional treatment for a porn addiction can help towards recovery as therapists can identify the underlying causes of the addiction as well as provide support and proper guidance.

Video Games

People who have become addicted to video games often experience a range of negative emotions when not playing. They may feel restless, irritable, anxious, or depressed when they’re not gaming. In extreme cases, they may even lie about their gaming habits to hide them from friends and family.

Physically, being addicted to video games can lead to sleep deprivation and poor eating habits, such as skipping meals or consuming unhealthy snacks. In some cases, it can even lead to obesity due to a sedentary lifestyle that goes hand-in-hand with a gaming addiction.

Treatment for a video game addiction can include cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help identify triggers that lead to gaming and help develop coping strategies to manage urges, while motivational interviewing can help the individual uncover why they play and what rewards they receive from gaming.

A man playing video games with a controller


While there are no concrete definitions for cheating addiction, it generally involves consistently engaging in romantic affairs outside of a committed relationship despite negative consequences or risks. People with this type of addiction may feel compelled to seek out new partners even if they know their behavior will hurt their current partner or spouse. They may also have difficulty managing feelings of guilt, shame, or remorse over their actions.

It’s important to remember that there are no universal reasons why someone might develop a cheating addiction. As with other addictions, the root causes can vary significantly from person to person. Some common contributing factors may include past trauma, low self-esteem, or thrill-seeking behaviors.

Additionally, feeling neglected by a partner or being raised in an environment where cheating was/is tolerated or encouraged may also be a contributing factor. In some cases, people with this addiction might have also struggled with mental health issues like depression and substance abuse problems before developing the compulsion to cheat on their partners.

There are several methods of treating a cheating addiction, including individual and couples therapy. Individual therapy can help the person understand why they are drawn to this behavior, while couples therapy can help both parties work through any unresolved issues and rebuild trust within the relationship.


Certain signs could indicate someone is suffering from a shopping addiction. These include frequent impulse purchases, difficulty controlling spending habits, feeling guilt or shame after making purchases, hiding purchases from family or friends, and relying on credit cards to finance shopping sprees.

According to experts, shopping addiction is often linked to underlying emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, or loneliness. People who suffer from these feelings may use shopping to cope with their emotions or fill a void in their lives. Indeed, it is not uncommon for people with shopping addictions to spend money impulsively to make themselves feel better or mask negative feelings.

One recommended treatment option for this is a support group which can provide a safe and non-judgmental environment for individuals to discuss their issues. In addition, some experts suggest that keeping track of money spent on shopping and setting limits can help people with shopping addiction control their spending habits.

There are many different types of addiction, including some that are unexpected or rather unusual. However, no matter the kind of addiction, no one has to face their struggles alone. With the right treatment and support system in place, recovery is always possible.

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