How Anthracnose Spreads in a Garden

Man watering plants

Do you notice any irregular brown spots on your plants? Are there any unsightly lesions on its stems or leaves? Look out because these can be signs of anthracnose.

Anthracnose is a plant disease commonly found in the eastern portion of the country, which often comes from regular exposures to Colletotrichum. The genus Colletotrichum is a group of plant pathogen responsible for various diseases among several varieties of plants.

Identifying anthracnose

Signs of anthracnose often appear generally small at first. It starts with irregular brown or yellow spots, which darken as they become more mature. There are also chances that it can expand to other areas of the leaves until it entirely covers the leaves.

This type of virus can also infect various fruits and vegetables, too. Healthy greens who got affected by this virus show signs of deterioration in most of its parts.

Trees can also get affected by anthracnose. This virus can slowly kill the ends of the twigs and can infect the sprouting leaves. It can even cause the tree to defoliate overtime. Even the fruits coming from infected trees produce small sunken spots, which can spread to other fruits.

Proper treatment and control

Garden pest controlThere are many ways to help stop anthracnose from its tracks. One way to do it is through proper prevention. You can start by removing and eliminating all the infected plants in your backyard. You can also remove the deadwood as well as the infected leaves by pruning it. Then, spray it with a fungicide that’s copper-based to ensure that you’re able to remove all the viruses. However, you need to be careful when spraying the fungicide so that you can prevent it from seeping down the soil. Doing so will help protect all the creatures from getting poisoned.

Hiring garden clean up services from Perth-based companies is an excellent way to prevent the virus from coming back. But you can also do other things to prevent the infection from coming back. One way to do it is to buy plants that are resistant to the disease. Doing so will make it easier for you to manage your garden.

But if you prefer taking care of other plants, then it’s best to put them in well-drained pots. So that you can give them the nourishment that they need, then adding compost to the soil can do the trick. Even more, it will also help protect them from acquiring such diseases.

You should also use a drip sprinkler when watering the plants. Doing so will help protect it from getting infected. Meanwhile, if you’re into taking care of potted plants, then try rotating them every three years.

These are only a few of the things that you need to learn about anthracnose. If you notice any of its symptoms, then it’s best to contact garden maintenance services to help you contain it before it spreads. Doing so will help protect the rest of your plants from the infection. Thus, helping you keep your garden’s pristine condition.

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