Why You Should Still Work Out in Your 60s

senior woman being assisted

Who says exercise stops at the age of 60? If you are an older adult and you still have that shake-your-body moves every day, good for you! Just because you’re in your 60s and seem a little slower than before doesn’t mean you have to stop moving. Sweating together is actually good for older adults.

The CDC suggests that adults should engage in moderate-intensity aerobic activity for at least 150 minutes per week. But, given the certain conditions of older adults, you have to make sure to be physically active. If you’re healthy and fit in your 60s, the CDC recommends the same exercise plus muscle-strengthening activities.

Many adults who are physically active in their younger years fear that once they get into a nursing home or a residential care facility, they won’t be able to do their exercises anymore. This is common. Many homes offer physical activities, depending on the conditions of their residents. Some homes even have group exercise programs where all their residents can join. Some facilities even offer meditation and yoga.

You just have to ask advice from senior living consultants which among the residential care facilities offer physical activity programs in your area. While these care facilities are more expensive, this will benefit you especially when you get a little weaker. Some nursing homes also offer rehabilitation services such as physical therapy, which can also be good for your body. Just think of the cost to pay as an investment to your health.

You will thank yourself later for investing time in doing exercises and for saving enough money for a care facility that offers such programs.

The current problem with older adults

While there are older adults who are still driven to do their exercises daily, there are others who cannot do the same. The AARP’s latest survey notes that 17% of Americans who are age 50 and above say they meet the required 150 minutes of physical activities weekly. But, 26% of the respondents say they don’t do physical activities at all.

The common reason is that they do not have the drive to exercise. Some of them say they feel tired, while others say they do not find physical activities enjoyable. They also find working out very costly. Others say weather affects their decision to exercise.

The fact that many countries have the same sentiments about physical activities means that not all understand its importance. There is, indeed, a need for people to realize that physical exercises prevent you from getting sick. And now that we are in a pandemic, it becomes even more important.

The most active people around the world

While there are people who refuse to exercise, there are those who wake up every day to do physical activities. According to Ipsos’ Global study, Netherlands citizens are the most physically active in the world. They spend more than 12 hours doing different exercises or playing their favorite sport every week. Men are also more physically active than women. They spend 90 minutes more than women doing exercises.

According to the study, people around the world are more into doing physical fitness activities, running or jogging, cycling, playing soccer, and doing swimming laps.

Meanwhile, those who are not as into physical activities and sports are from Saudi Arabia, Peru, and Russia. According to them, they do not have as much time for physical activities. Turkey and Argentina people say they don’t have the budget for exercise. Saudi Arabians and South Africans also mention the weather, as they cannot exercise when it is too hot. Meanwhile, the Japanese say they just do not like to play a sport that’s why they do not do physical activities just as much.

The exercise continues

Wherever part you may be in the world, always remember that physical activities are important for your health and well-being. Not only do they improve your blood circulation. Doing exercises also strengthens your bones and muscles, which will be very crucial once you are 65 years old and above. Doing physical exercises also improves your mood. This is why even older adults are recommended to do lighter physical activities.

If you have been physically active despite your age, good job! Just always remember to pace yourself and listen to your body. You are not getting any younger and your body has its conditions already. Only do what you can at a given time. Make sure that the physical activities that you are doing are ideal for your age and your condition.

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