Choosing a Baby Stroller to Suit Your Lifestyle

a family traveling

Strollers are a ubiquitous part of a family’s life — whether a parent goes walking, shopping, running or just to be outdoors. Stroller rides are very soothing for a child, and there are so many to choose from.

Whether you have an online registry or a baby store in Miami, a stroller is an essential item. Pick one that makes the most sense based on your lifestyle.


This is the skeleton of the stroller (handle, canopy, storage space, wheels) and it should also accommodate a car seat for newborns. It must be lightweight so that folding it up is a snap in the first year of a child’s life. Popular strollers have frames to match a brand of car seat. Look for a pair for maximum ease of use.

Easy travel

Most strollers come with car seats which are attachable and perfect match to move a sleeping child from the car to the stroller and vice versa without waking them up. This type of car seat is far more useful and saves money.

Umbrella strollers

This type of stroller folds up easily and is small. They are used for when a child is six months old so that they can sit up. Many parents buy these so that they can be used while traveling as it is very lightweight.


Since the baby goods sector is dynamic, there are new items being added all the time. Look on the internet for reviews which are straight to the point and unbiased. Also, check to see if the brand you are interested in has recalled items before.

Most big brand retailers stay updated on safety-related issues. This may not be the same for secondhand strollers. Don’t hesitate to approach other parents for their opinion on a specific brand of stroller.

Available features

Since there are so many combinations to choose from, choose based on what suits your lifestyle. It does make your life easy.

Other questions that you may want to consider before investing in a stroller are:

a family

  • Do I want one with a cup holder? That way you can take your coffee or tea with you while walking.
  • Will I able to put my purse and diaper bag in the storage compartment in the model I like?
  • If I have two young children, do I want them to be side by side or behind each other?
  • Can I push it with one hand if it is fully loaded?
  • Does it stand up when it is folded and is it easily foldable with one hand?
  • Do the handlebars feel comfortable?
  • Will every food stain show up on the fabric?
  • What kind of tires do I want on the stroller? (Note that air-filled tires offer a much better ride, and your baby can sleep well even if the sidewalk is bumpy.)
  • Do I want a bassinet style stroller?
  • Which direction do I want my child to face?

With so many factors to consider and configurations to include, it will take some research to find the right one.

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