13 Side Effects of Pain Medication

different kinds of medication exposed on a table

Pain is a normal feeling that we all experience. Whether it’s a pain of stubbing your toe or the pain of breaking your arm, there are many types and levels of pain. But what happens when you have chronic pain? Chronic pain occurs in people with conditions such as back problems, arthritis, cancer, and diabetes, to name a few. These conditions can lead to pain that lasts for months or even years. When chronic pain becomes severe, it can interfere with your ability to work, sleep and enjoy life.

For people who suffer from chronic pain, medication is often used to help relieve their symptoms. While medication can be effective in reducing pain, it also comes with a risk of side effects. Here are 13 side effects of pain medication that you should be aware of:

1. Drowsiness

One of the most common side effects of pain medication is drowsiness. This can make it difficult to concentrate and perform tasks such as driving or operating machinery. If you experience drowsiness, it is important to avoid activities that could be dangerous.

2. Nausea and Vomiting

Another common side effect of pain medication is nausea and vomiting. This can be a particular problem if you are taking opioids for chronic pain relief. Nausea and vomiting can also lead to dehydration, so it is important to drink plenty of fluids if you experience these symptoms.

3. Constipation

Pain medication can often cause constipation. This is because the medication can slow down the movement of food through your intestines. If you experience constipation, you can try to combat it by drinking plenty of fluids, eating high-fiber foods, and exercising regularly.

4. Dependence

For some people, taking pain medication can lead to dependence. This means that you need to take the medication just to feel normal, and without it, you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, sweating, and shaking. If you think you may be dependent on pain medication, it is important to speak to your doctor. There are various opioid dependence treatment options available.

5. Headache

Pain medication can also cause headaches. This is because the medication can narrow the blood vessels in your brain. If you experience a headache, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and avoid activities that could be dangerous.

6. Dry Mouth

Pain medication can often cause dry mouth. This can be a particular problem if you are taking opioids for chronic pain relief. A dry mouth can also lead to tooth decay, so it is important to brush your teeth regularly if you experience this symptom.

7. Rash

Pain medication can sometimes cause a rash. This is usually a sign that you are allergic to the medication. If you experience a rash, it is important to stop taking the medication and speak to your doctor.

8. Liver Damage

Pain medication can sometimes cause liver damage. This is because the medication can be hard on the liver. If you experience liver damage, it is important to stop taking the medication and speak to your doctor.

9. Difficulty Breathing

Pain medication can sometimes cause difficulty breathing. This is usually a sign that you are allergic to the medication. If you experience difficulty breathing, it is important to stop taking the medication and speak to your doctor.

10. Increased Risk of Falls

Pain medication can sometimes cause you to become unsteady on your feet, which can lead to a higher risk of falls. If you are taking pain medication, it is important to be aware of this risk and take precautions such as avoiding stairs if you are feeling unsteady.

11. Confusion

Pain medication can sometimes cause confusion. This is usually a sign that you are taking too much of the medication. If you experience confusion, it is important to speak to your doctor.

12. Depression and Hallucinations

Pain medication can sometimes cause depression. This is because the medication can change the levels of chemicals in your brain. They can also sometimes cause hallucinations. This is usually a sign that you are taking too much of the medication. If you experience depression, it is important to speak to your doctor.

13. Increased Risk of Death
overdosing from taking medication

Pain medication can sometimes cause a fatal overdose. This is because the medication can be hard on the body. If you are taking pain medication, it is important to be aware of this risk and take precautions such as avoiding taking too much of the medication.

Are the Risks of Pain Killers Worth It?

The risks of painkillers are real. But for many people, the benefits of pain medication outweigh the risks. If you are experiencing chronic pain, speak to your doctor about the various treatment options available to you. There may be a treatment option that is right for you, despite the risks involved.

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